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Brain Training Apps: Do They Really Work?

Brain Training Apps: Do They Really Work?

Team NeuroGum -

 Puzzling the ‘Why’ from the Maze of Physical Fitness

Being tough and fantastic in our fitness journey through Cross-Fit and Circuit Training, doesn’t just mean we are able to identify how long we have to be in the gym, wrestling with 10-kilo weights to develop heinous muscular power, repeating push-ups & trunk-lifts for endurance, and twerking & wrapping arms on a gym ball for incremental flexibility. It is also not limited to what place we should be spending our sports and fitness tasks, also if we pay some fortune to be trained by professionals, or just be with someone convenient to us. Therefore, drowning ourselves with intensified Cross-Fit and Circuit Training will not be always answering the questions of ‘what’, ‘how’, and ‘where’. We are also bound to be clever in answering the questions of ‘why’. 

As shrewd as the mobile software engineers are, through their enthusiasm of revolutionizing physical fitness through the cognitive dimension of its aficionados, they created brain training apps. This is not only just for any sort of past time for athletes or sports practitioners, but also to mentally prepare them for what comes next after packing up sports wears, devotion to healthy diet, and enrolling yourself to an amazing Cross-Fit and Circuit Training coach. 

How does the Brain-training apps affect the cognitive capacities of Cross-Fit and Circuit Enthusiasts?

After building our set of goals and our own road map to attain our fitness goal, we must also put our attention on the answer if we are on the right path and how to stay track on it, despite of the difficulties we might encounter in the future from empty pockets, bruises, and muscle twitch. This is how the brain training apps impacts such that mobile gaming has been a cliché to millennials. Mental preparedness will not just be limited by your relatives, trainers, and supporters, but also may be gained through these sorts of digitally hands-on mobility software.

  1. Brain Training Apps & Defining a Fitness Purpose

Our setting of purpose in the course of our daily activities is dependent of our motivation. This motivation is divided into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Once we decide of what will be our intrinsic motivation, we get to do something because we enjoy it. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is a gratification with an expected outcome. But certain studies tell us that those who have greater intrinsic motivation tends to be produce good fruits. A fitter life is an example once we get to enjoy Cross-Fit and Circuit Training on a regular basis.

As discussed in the witty handbook of CrossFit enthusiasts, the purpose of CrossFit activities is to hone a comprehensive fitness and wide-ranging extent of aptness. This is not limited to the aerobic exercises or perhaps weight lifting, but it certainly an integration of induced muscle strength, agility, Olympian weight lifting, gymnastic activities, swiftly execution of repetitive routines. Brain Training Apps get to work its task by making sure set the purpose of each sequence of fitness activities, through puzzles that incorporates the far greater goals of cross fit such as the physical body-related satisfaction it offers and the sports science behind each routine. Intrinsic motivation lets us define our mindset to be happy with every routine that is completed and the achievements unlocked attained through competitions or even as a past time.

  1. Brain-stimulating Mobility Facilities and Seeking Your Mental ‘Flow’

As we were able to discuss that those who have more inclination to intrinsic motivation, the concept of ‘flow’ is suggested as its highest form. These are supported by Costas Karageorghis and Peter Terry in their authorship on the book of Inside Sport Psychology. This is referred as ‘the zone’ by athletes which is known as their own discovery of the essence of the sports activity they are performing. This is your ‘why’ put into action. The mobilization of the ‘why’ through Cross-Fit and Circuit Training on a regular basis becomes an important factor of success, since it lets you rivet your eyes to your far greater goal through your way of responding to its ‘what’, as well as the ‘how’.

Brain Training Apps answers the ‘what’ of a Cross-Fit enthusiast by letting them know of the rationale of their fitness enthusiasm. It corresponds to the ‘how’ through puzzling out the duration and planning of cross fit routines. This lets them a larger background knowledge of cross fit, so as to become influencers themselves, as well as to prepare a time table or a calendar of activities to their own convenience. If these simple tasks be translated into appropriate brain training apps, it will surely add to an enthusiasts’ research and comfortability.

  1. Introspection: The Apps and How to Dig Deep in Your Fitness Activities

The willingness that one has to offer into the fitness goals is also dependent on the level of our openness. The extent of our openness to other’s opinion will definitely help out the way we conquer and strain forward. When Cross fit enthusiasts start looking why the same mistakes happen over and over again, or something that hinders them advancing to the next sets of routine, this should be a wake-up call that we also have to ask the opinion and advice of our trainers and colleagues. Sometimes they can actually see what we can’t in terms of what goes wrong with our game plan. The road to the fitness success of cross fit is usually based on time, so the aficionados should not cease doing the reps unless the time runs out. Notwithstanding your thirst and muscle weariness, the trainers and your teammates would really want you to do more. But sometimes, there will be depraved consequences to this don’t quit-no pain, no gain thing that comes from the instructors and gym goers. Maybe technology should intervene now, right?

If brain training apps will help its buffs to help them assess their routines, it will easily identify what is wrong with the day’s activities, as well as to what blocks you from reaching the goal for this exercise. Brain training apps will serve as a friendly-guide, to check and balance the activities at the comfort of your mobile devices and gadgets. By utilizing such tools, you get to have handy, free, and less-repulsive observations and push forward advices.

  1. Establish a Fitness “Focus” Area in the