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5 Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination

5 Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination

Kent Yoshimura -

Are you someone who struggles with putting things off until the last minute? Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by tasks that you know you should be tackling, but just can't seem to bring yourself to start? Procrastination is a common struggle for many people, but the good news is that there are ways to overcome it. In this article, we will explore five creative and appealing strategies that can help you break the cycle of procrastination and become more productive. Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone who simply wants to make the most of their time, these strategies are sure to help you get on track and start achieving your goals. So, let's dive in and discover how you can overcome procrastination once and for all. 


Break tasks into smaller steps

    Procrastination is a common challenge that many people face, and it can be especially frustrating when there are important tasks that need to be completed. One effective strategy for combating procrastination is to break tasks into smaller steps.

    Breaking tasks into smaller steps can make them feel less overwhelming and more manageable. When we look at a task as a whole, it can be easy to feel intimidated and put it off. However, when we break it down into smaller pieces, each piece seems more manageable and less daunting.

    To break a task into smaller steps, it can be helpful to start by writing down everything that needs to be done to complete the task. Then, look at each step and consider if it can be broken down even further. For example, if the task is to write a report, the steps might include conducting research, creating an outline, writing a rough draft, and revising and editing the final draft. Each of these steps could be broken down even further. For instance, "conducting research" could involve searching for sources, reading articles, and taking notes.

    Once you have broken the task into smaller steps, you can then prioritize the steps and create a plan for completing them. By having a clear plan, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. You can also track your progress and celebrate your accomplishments as you complete each step.

    Breaking tasks into smaller steps can also help you identify any potential roadblocks or challenges that you might face along the way. By anticipating these challenges, you can come up with strategies for overcoming them, which can help you stay on track and avoid procrastination.


    Set deadlines and hold yourself accountable

      Procrastination can be a challenging habit to overcome. It is easy to put off tasks and activities that we find difficult, unappealing, or overwhelming. However, by setting deadlines and holding ourselves accountable, we can combat procrastination and become more productive.

      Setting deadlines is an effective way to manage time and prioritize tasks. Deadlines create a sense of urgency and encourage us to focus on what needs to be done. Without deadlines, we may procrastinate indefinitely, delaying important tasks until they become urgent and stressful.

      To set effective deadlines, it is important to be realistic and specific. Vague or unrealistic deadlines are unlikely to be effective and may even contribute to procrastination. Instead, set clear deadlines that are achievable, measurable, and aligned with your goals.

      Once you have set your deadlines, it is essential to hold yourself accountable. This means taking responsibility for your actions and committing to your goals. There are several ways to hold yourself accountable, including:

      1. Tracking your progress: Keep track of your progress towards your goals by recording your accomplishments and challenges. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your deadlines.

      2. Sharing your goals: Share your goals with friends, family, or colleagues who can offer support and encouragement. This can help you stay accountable and committed to your goals.

      3. Using rewards and consequences: Reward yourself when you meet your deadlines, and impose consequences when you don't. For example, if you meet your deadline, you might treat yourself to a favorite activity or snack. If you don't meet your deadline, you might impose a consequence, such as skipping a leisure activity or doing an extra chore.

      4. Creating a plan: Create a plan for how you will achieve your goals and meet your deadlines. This can help you stay organized and focused on what needs to be done.

      In summary, setting deadlines and holding yourself accountable are essential tools for combating procrastination. By setting clear deadlines, tracking your progress, sharing your goals, using rewards and consequences, and creating a plan, you can become more productive and achieve your goals. Remember, the key to success is commitment, discipline, and perseverance.


      Create a schedule and stick to it

        Creating a schedule and sticking to it is an effective way to combat procrastination and improve productivity. When we have a schedule, we know what we need to do and when we need to do it. This creates a sense of structure and routine that can help us stay on track and avoid procrastination. Here are some steps you can take to create a schedule and stick to it:

        1. Identify your priorities: Start by identifying your priorities and the tasks that need to be done. This might include work-related tasks, household chores, or personal goals. Once you have a clear idea of what needs to be done, you can start to plan your schedule.

        2. Set realistic goals: It's important to set realistic goals that are achievable within your schedule. If you set goals that are too ambitious, you may become overwhelmed and more likely to procrastinate. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones that you can accomplish in shorter time periods. 

        3. Block out your time: Block out your time to create a visual representation of your schedule. Use a planner, calendar, or scheduling app to map out your day, week, or month. Include time for work, leisure, and rest. Check out our article A Guide to Time Blocking.

        4. Stick to your schedule: Once you have created your schedule, it's important to stick to it. Avoid distractions and stay focused on the task at hand. If you find that you're procrastinating, take a break or switch to a different task, but make sure to come back to the original task later.

        5. Be flexible: Remember that schedules are meant to be flexible. Unexpected events or emergencies may require you to adjust your schedule. Be prepared to adapt and make changes as needed.

        6. Review your progress: Regularly review your progress and assess how well you are sticking to your schedule. Celebrate your successes and identify areas where you need to improve. Use this feedback to make adjustments to your schedule as needed.

        In summary, creating a schedule and sticking to it is an effective way to combat procrastination and improve productivity. By identifying your priorities, setting realistic goals, blocking out your time, sticking to your schedule, being flexible, and reviewing your progress, you can create a schedule that works for you and helps you achieve your goals. Remember, it takes commitment and discipline to stick to a schedule, but the benefits are well worth the effort.


        Use positive self-talk and visualization

          Using positive self-talk and visualization can be powerful tools for combating procrastination. When we think positively and visualize success, we can overcome the negative thoughts and doubts that can lead to procrastination. Here's how you can use positive self-talk and visualization to overcome procrastination:

          1. Identify negative self-talk: The first step in using positive self-talk to combat procrastination is to identify the negative self-talk that might be holding you back. Notice when you're thinking negative thoughts about yourself, your abilities, or the task at hand.

          2. Reframe negative thoughts: Once you've identified your negative self-talk, reframe it into positive self-talk. Instead of telling yourself that you're not good enough or that the task is too hard, tell yourself that you're capable and that the task is achievable. Learn about some strategies to help you reframe negative thoughts in this article.

          3. Visualize success: Visualization is a powerful tool for combating procrastination. Close your eyes and visualize yourself completing the task successfully. Imagine how good it will feel to have completed the task and how proud of yourself you will be.

          4. Use positive affirmations: Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself to reinforce positive beliefs about yourself and your abilities. Repeat affirmations like "I am capable," "I can do this," and "I am confident" to help boost your self-confidence and overcome procrastination.

          5. Celebrate small wins: Celebrate small wins along the way. If you've been procrastinating on a task for a while, even small progress can feel like a big win. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.

          In summary, using positive self-talk and visualization can be powerful tools for combating procrastination. By identifying negative self-talk, reframing it into positive self-talk, visualizing success, using positive affirmations, and celebrating small wins, you can overcome procrastination and achieve your goals. Remember, it takes practice and patience, but with persistence, you can develop a positive mindset that will help you overcome procrastination and achieve success.


          Remove distractions

            Removing distractions is an effective way to combat procrastination and improve productivity. Distractions can be anything that diverts your attention away from the task at hand, including social media, email notifications, and even people around you. Here are some tips for removing distractions to combat procrastination:

            1. Identify your distractions: The first step in removing distractions is to identify them. Take note of the things that distract you from the task at hand, whether it's your phone, social media, or the people around you.

            2. Create a distraction-free environment: Create an environment that is conducive to work. This might mean finding a quiet space to work in, turning off your phone, or wearing noise-cancelling headphones.

            3. Use website blockers: Website blockers can be a useful tool for removing distractions. Use an app or browser extension to block social media sites or other websites that are distracting you from your work.

            4. Prioritize your tasks: Prioritizing your tasks can help you stay focused on what's important. Make a list of the tasks you need to complete and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency.

            5. Set boundaries: Set boundaries with others around you to minimize distractions. Let them know when you're working and ask them to respect your work time.

            6. Take breaks: Taking breaks is important for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. Take short breaks every hour or so to rest your eyes and clear your mind.

            In summary, removing distractions is an effective way to combat procrastination and improve productivity. By identifying your distractions, creating a distraction-free environment, using website blockers, prioritizing your tasks, setting boundaries, and taking breaks, you can stay focused on your work and avoid procrastination. Remember, it takes discipline and commitment to remove distractions, but the benefits are well worth the effort.




            Procrastination can be a challenging habit to overcome, but it's not impossible. By breaking tasks into smaller steps, setting deadlines, creating a schedule, using positive self-talk and visualization, and removing distractions, you can overcome procrastination and achieve your goals. Remember, everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you and your specific situation. With practice and dedication, you can overcome procrastination and achieve success in all areas of your life.

            It's important to remember that overcoming procrastination is a process that takes time and effort. Don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up or have setbacks. Instead, focus on the progress you have made and the positive steps you can take to continue improving. Ultimately, overcoming procrastination is about finding the motivation and discipline to do what needs to be done, even when we don't feel like it. By breaking tasks into smaller steps, setting deadlines, creating a schedule, using positive self-talk and visualization, and removing distractions, we can develop the habits and mindset necessary to overcome procrastination and achieve success. For more tips, read our articles Tips to Maximize Productivity and How to Form Habits and Stick to Them.


            About the Author

            Angelica Castillo is a communications student in the mornings, an actress in the afternoons, and a passionate diary writer by night.

            She is the creative copywriter at Magnify Media Agency and is currently working on audiovisual projects. She is also interested in psychology, constantly informing herself about human conduct and looking for ways to improve mental health to help others live a fulfilling life.

            Find her on Instagram here: @aange.cas


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